Monday, January 2, 2012

Now, when you work it out....

I believe we are all working it out. Or at least most of us are, but I do know a woman who said she is Living Her Dream - that will be another post. Those that work at life or their passion are easily identifiable. Not from the way they look but from their actions and what they do / build each day.

There are 3 men that I interact with (lucky me) on different levels each day. All unique but clearly have a consistent work ethic that yields positive results. They are @danshepp55, @bman_microcaps and @speculator.

@danshepp55 is a consummate coach, optimist, gentleman (he wishes the twitterverse Well at the start of the trading day) and above all a committed strategist. He never deviates from his plan and that equals success. Check him out at

@bman_microcaps is a machine. I know of no one else that can parse the flow of market information on microcaps better. He is a seasoned veteran of the market and has developed a strong following based on his accurate interpretation and timing of information. Moreover, he makes his own market. He recently started a blog and it can be found at

@speculator, now this guys has ice in his veins. Spec, as he is affectionately referenced in the trading room "works" diligently to find high value, bottom plays. I would venture a guess that in a poker game you probably couldn't bluff him out. I have watched him ride out momentum for days when most would clip off a few pennies and be satisfied. If your looking for him, check out

And while these fine gents are prime examples of working it out every day and succeeding there is another young man who I am in awe of. This is a guy who despite his struggles with a terrible disease never ceases to keep "working it out". Ralph became a friend of mine many years ago. His character is beyond words. A wit that spans this planet and cracks with a humorous intensity so much so you can't wait for the next thing to come out of his mouth. With all of the issues facing him he keeps his character. 

He recently wrote on Facebook "Got the needle in my eye last Friday in my ongoing monthly treatments for radiation retinopathy; went to the dentist today and was told I need all four wisdom teeth removed next week to help alleviate my periodontal disease; got home to find a letter confirming my appointment for my colonoscopy. Also, I am mostly deaf, partially blind, fat and bald, and losing my mind. Thank God I don't have heart disease or cancer! Ah, good times, good times." How about that for an attitude! Ralph, love ya brother!

We all have things to work out, big things. People like @danshepp55, @bman_microcaps and @speculator show us how being committed and working it out every day can bring success. Guys like Ralph, well.....  he just operates on a different level. Hope I get there some day.

What will I build? 

What will you build? 

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